LoanTrack (or SaccoTrack) is a multi-user Credit/Sacco management system with different levels of access from Officers and/or Cashiers to Managers and/or Directors. It is a web-based system that can run either in offline mode or online via the Internet cloud. On addition, once there exists a network (with or without the Internet), it can be accessed by all computers on the said network. Main features include: Clientele/Membership management, Client/Member Group management, Savings (Deposits, Withdrawals, and Transfers), Shareholding (Deposits and Transfers for Saccos). Withdrawals only at restricted levels of access, Loans (Maker, Checker, Approver, and Payments), Accounts (Other income payments, expenses, and account transfers), Short messaging system (Notifications) Repots include: Members with loan arrears, those due for payment, new to bank, loan listing, outstanding balances, principal at risk (with ageing), disbursements, expected payments, collections (incomes), write-offs (bad debts), and a system audit trail.